
Saturday, 16 August 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

'Ice Bucket Challenge' is a challenge to dump a bucket of ice water on one's head, generally in conjunction with donating to the ALS Association in the United States.It started in New Zealand on 4 July 2014, throughout social media, where the challenge was to either dump a bucket of ice water on one's head or to donate to a charity of the participant's choice
It  may seem like a silly social media meme, but it’s making a difference.
The challenge required nominated participants to have a bucket of icy water thrown over their head. They have 24-hours to complete the mission from the time they are nominated and if they don't complete the dare they have to donate $100 to charity. If you complete the challenge then you only have to donate $10.

Currently, there is only one drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat ALS, which modestly extend survival by two to three months. The disease involves losing control of voluntary muscle movement, including the ability to eat, speak, walk and eventually breathe. It is 100% fatal.

Dignitaries are getting in on the action. Have a look:

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by CEO of Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon


  1. It's so cool, I wanna try it.
    But then, a little scary too.
